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匹配条件: “ Ivana Lopes;Silva” ,找到相关结果约72540条。
Evaluation of silicon oil on bacterial growth
Adams, Fabio;Romero, Ivana Lopes;Silva, Cely Barreto da;Manzano, Roberta Pereira de Almeida;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27492012000200003
Abstract: purpose: to analyze the antimicrobial properties of silicon oil (óleo de silicone?, ophthalmos, brazil) on in vitro bacterial growth of different microorganisms related to endophthalmitis. methods: the following microorganisms were analyzed: (1) pseudomonas aeruginosa (atcc 27583); (2) escherichia coli (atcc 25922); (3) staphylococcus aureus (atcc 25923); (4) staphylococcus epidermidis (atcc 12228); (5) candida albicans (atcc 10231); (6) klebsiella pneumoniae (atcc 13883); and (7) streptococcus pneumoniae (atcc 49619). the plates were incubated at 35 ± 2oc and its growth examined after 24 hours. an empty disk was placed in the center of each plate as a control. results: no inhibition halos were verified in any of the plates containing the four different concentrations of the bacterial inocula. conclusions: the silicon oil 1000 cps does not have any effect on bacterial growth of any of the studied microrganisms.
Representations, Educational Processes and Practices in Youth and Adult Field Education in Brazil  [PDF]
Lourdes Helena da Silva, élida Lopes Miranda
Creative Education (CE) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2015.623253
Abstract: The Field Education movement emerged in the Brazilian society in the last two decades, bringing to the national political scenario the role of social and trade union movements of the countryside in the affirmation and struggle in defense of a new paradigm of education and school for people living and working in the countryside—farmers, camping and agrarian reform settlers, rural workers, indians, quilombolas, among others. Parallel to the achievements of this movement, especially in the context of State public policies for countryside people, the subject of Field Education has gradually been consolidated in national academic productions. However, despite the increasing volume of work and scientific publications in the area, a balance of academic production reveals the existence of a theoretical gap Youth and Adult Education (EJA) in the field. This recognition of the reality of Youth and Adult Field Education in our society is an area yet to be mapped, and considering the existence of a range of practices and dispersed EJA experiences present in the everyday of the countryside that require more specific studies, the research program entitled Practices in Youth and Adult Education, Literacy and Educational Alternations emerged, whose purpose was to carry out a coordinated study network that would enable the systematic collection and production of data and analysis on the EJA experiences present in the rural reality of Brazil, emphasizing the dimensions of educational practices, processes and pedagogical dynamics constructed within these experiences. In this article, originated from this research program, our purposes are to characterize and analyze under the Field Education movement, the EJA experience in the field, called Agrarian Residency Program in its history, principles and political and pedagogical practices, highlighting the alternated training dynamics gestated in its inside and the social representations built by educators on the alternation. Among other aspects, the study results show that the Agrarian Residence Program, as an experience of Youth and Adult Field Education has become a transformation-propellant space in training professionals of Agricultural Sciences, highlighting both the construction of emancipatory pedagogical practices, and the new political and social relations between universities and social movements. In this respect, besides the processes of dialogical and collective training, the Agrarian Residence Program has also provided the students and educators with a set of experiences and reflections on the reality of
Ivana Silva Sobral Oliveira
Boletim Goiano de Geografia , 2008,
Abstract: As Unidades de Conserva o (UC’s) s o essenciais paraa preserva o dos recursos naturais, uma vez que nelasencontram-se ecossistemas amea ados e biodiversosque têm garantias legais de prote o. Para assegurartal prote o, é necessário que haja planejamento e gest oeficientes. Em áreas protegidas em que a visita oé permitida deve-se utilizar metodologias de avalia odos impactos para que o uso público aconte a sem comprometera resiliência dos ecossistemas. Nesse sentidoeste trabalho objetivou mapear as trilhas de uso público,caracterizar os impactos e determinar os critérios de usodas duas trilhas do Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana(PARNASI) mais visitadas. Para isso utilizou-se a metodologiaLAC – Limite Aceitável de Cambio. Através doLAC, verificou-se que as trilhas mais visitadas do parquejá apresentam sinais de que a capacidade de suporte estapróxima ou ultrapassando seu limite, podendo prejudicara qualidade da visita o, a seguran a dos visitantes egerar degrada o ambiental. Dessa maneira, as matrizesde monitoramento das trilhas propostas s o ferramentasimportantes para a prote o dos recursos naturais, umavez que podem auxiliar os administradores do parque nasele o de estratégias de manejo que garantam a sustentabilidadedos ecossistemas do parque.
Polyoma BK virus: an emerging opportunistic infectious agent of the human central nervous system
Silva, Rodrigo Lopes da;
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-86702011000300017
Abstract: bk virus, a double-stranded dna virus, is a member of the polyomaviridae family which is known to infect humans. clinical evidence of disease is mostly encountered in immunosuppressed individuals such as aids patients or those who undergo renal or bone marrow transplantation where complications associated with bkv infection manifest commonly as a polyomavirus nephropathy or hemorrhagic cystitis, respectively. recent evidence suggests that in addition to the jc virus (the other member of the same family known to be strongly neurotropic and responsible for the progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy), bk virus can infect and cause clinically relevant disease in the human central nervous system. in this mini-review, an analysis of the literature is made. a special focus is given to alert clinicians to the possibility of this association during the differential diagnosis of infections of the central nervous system in the immunocompromised host.
Silva, Gabriela Lopes da;
Ciência da Informa??o , 1997, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-19651997000100010
Abstract: this paper aims at giving an overview of the european union policies in the field of information. after a brief introduction to the eu engagement in the evolution towards the information society to increase its competitiveness compared with the united states, several european projects aiming at contributing to this end are described
Emprego dos marcadores de prognóstico no tratamento para o carcinoma invasor de colo
Silva Filho, Agnaldo Lopes;
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-72032009000900008
Abstract: the uterine cervix invasive carcinoma represents a major public health problem, mainly in the developing countries. its treatment, based on radical hysterectomy, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy presents a considerable morbidity. prognostic markers should be taken into consideration in the therapeutic planning, so that the results would be optimized, complications reduced, and patients' survival prolonged. accepted prognostic markers are: stage, tumoral size, histological type, degree of differentiation, lymphovascular invasion, depth of the stromal invasion, presence of lymph nodal metastases, and surgical margins involvement. this study aims at making a literature review concerning the use of theses markers in the therapeutic planning of women with uterine cervix invasive carcinoma. the treatment based on these markers may present better results, with lower ratio of complications and an improvement in the patients' survival.
Como se vigia os vigilantes: o controle da Polícia Federal sobre a seguran?a privada
Lopes, Cleber da Silva;
Revista de Sociologia e Política , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-44782011000300008
Abstract: the emergence of private security guards and organizations that supply informal policing poses new problems for civil rights in brazilian society. this paper analyzes state control over private security, through a focus on federal police activity during the 1996 -2000 period. taking the way this control is dealt with in other countries as a crucial reference and using analysis of legal documents as well as interviews with those who are directly involved in the control of private security, we examine the following phenomena: the legal instruments that the federal police has at its disposal for the control of private security; the mechanisms that encourage internal and external control over private security and the watch that is kept over private security and other organizations and agents which engage in informal forms of policing.
O uso de blogs e chats no ensino de literatura
Silva, Marciano Lopes e
Letras de Hoje , 2010,
Abstract: O presente trabalho trata do uso do ciberespa o no ensino da literatura, seja em nível escolar médio ou universitário. Para tanto, apresentamos o relato de duas experiências realizadas com blogs em três turmas do curso de Letras da Universidade Estadual de Maringá nas disciplinas de “Literatura Brasileira: Poesia” e “Tópicos Especiais de Literatura Brasileira”. Após o relato destas experiências, apontado os critérios de avalia o, a metodologia e os resultados, passamos a considerar o uso de chats na realiza o de oficinas on-line de cria o literária. Os resultados da experiência pedagógica realizada com os blogs apresentam-se bastante satisfatórios, pois – de modo geral – seu uso revelou-se uma estratégia muito positiva para fazer com que os alunos produzam mais e diversos tipos de textos, interajam mais com os conteúdos, os colegas e o professor, deixando de serem passivos na rela o professor-aluno, e passem a vivenciar o conhecimento como algo dinamico, percebendo sua produ o como processo. Para encerrar, apresentamos dicas de sites e revistas literárias e culturais on-line que podem ser utilizadas pelos alunos e professores de literatura.
Luzes e sombras na constru o da na o argentina: os manuais de história nacional (1868-1912)
Josinei Lopes da Silva
História (S?o Paulo) , 2003, DOI: 10.1590/s0101-90742003000200016
CURRíCULO E A ES AFIRMATIVAS: perspectivas multiculturais
Theoffillo da Silva Lopes
Revista Espa?o do Currículo , 2011,
Abstract: Entendendo que a educa o n o é neutra, e que, por si só, n o tem a capacidade de encarar os problemas sociais existentes sem a tomada de uma posi o positiva e afirmativa por parte dos agentes envolvidos na constru o do currículo, já que este, por sua vez, tem um caráter político, social e de rela es de poder, percebe-se a influência que o mesmo pode ter ou efetuar sobre as políticas e os processos educativos, agindo como reprodutores ou transformadores da realidade. As a es afirmativas para adentro dos muros da educa o formal se tornam inviáveis se, em suas dimens es, os processos educacionais n o forem estabelecidos em currículos com perspectivas multiculturais. Assim, percebe-se que, as perspectivas curriculares multiculturais trazem para as a es afirmativas, a possibilidade de concretiza o dos seus objetivos, além do fato de n o só legitimar o acesso de minorias de grupos, como também ratificar e favorecer a permanência e o auxílio a tais minorias.

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